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Never allow another person`s actions to control how you see yourself. That is TOO much power to give to another human being. If people don`t have the ability to discern the inner riches of your treasure, that is their problem.-T. D. Jakes-
Just know that the one who rejects you does not have the ability to see the inside of you. Remember you are God`s son/daughter-you are His and his mercy never stops flowing. Even when we do not get it right time after time. Yeshua`s love is unconditional, there are no conditions to His love.
I want you to picture the Niagara Water Falls. There are millions of gallons of water that flow per minute over the rocks and if you have ever been to see this place; it is totally memorizing. Picture Yeshua at the top of the Falls with the water pouring from Himself. This is the picture of unconditional love. The quantity of Yeshua`s love is immense and unlimited just like the physical water is immense and unlimited. Yeshua had to spread out His arms from East to West, symbolizing infinity to infinity when He died. Psalms 103:12 says our failures are cast, as far as the east is from the west. Micah 7:19 says, He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
The greatest thing you can do is to surrender to Yeshua`s love, mercy and grace. Allow Yeshua to be in control, to take over. Yeshua will love the emptiness and sadness and loneliness. He will never reject you of leave you alone. He alone is the ONE who is able to accomplish this inside you.
Imagine those millions of gallons of water flowing over you, cleaning/washing the junk away and filling you and it never stopping! Yeshua said to the woman at the well that He wanted to give her spiritual water so that she would never thirst again. This same water is available for you today no matter what you have done in your past, in the present or in the future.
Never allow another person`s actions to control how you see yourself. That is TOO much power to give to another human being. If people don`t have the ability to discern the inner riches of your treasure, that is their problem.-T. D. Jakes-
Just know that the one who rejects you does not have the ability to see the inside of you. Remember you are God`s son/daughter-you are His and his mercy never stops flowing. Even when we do not get it right time after time. Yeshua`s love is unconditional, there are no conditions to His love.
I want you to picture the Niagara Water Falls. There are millions of gallons of water that flow per minute over the rocks and if you have ever been to see this place; it is totally memorizing. Picture Yeshua at the top of the Falls with the water pouring from Himself. This is the picture of unconditional love. The quantity of Yeshua`s love is immense and unlimited just like the physical water is immense and unlimited. Yeshua had to spread out His arms from East to West, symbolizing infinity to infinity when He died. Psalms 103:12 says our failures are cast, as far as the east is from the west. Micah 7:19 says, He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
The greatest thing you can do is to surrender to Yeshua`s love, mercy and grace. Allow Yeshua to be in control, to take over. Yeshua will love the emptiness and sadness and loneliness. He will never reject you of leave you alone. He alone is the ONE who is able to accomplish this inside you.
Imagine those millions of gallons of water flowing over you, cleaning/washing the junk away and filling you and it never stopping! Yeshua said to the woman at the well that He wanted to give her spiritual water so that she would never thirst again. This same water is available for you today no matter what you have done in your past, in the present or in the future.
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