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Take a Look at someone today and see her as God sees her. See all that has made her who she is, and then look even deeper to see all that God has created her to be. -T.D. Jakes-
Do you look at people through the eyes of the blood of Yeshua?
Do you see others through the heart Vision of what Yeshua sees when He looks at ALL people?
Do we see what He has Created and formed us and others to BE or do we only see the faults and things we do not like, or the irritations that arise?
Yeshua says their is NO CONDEMNATION to those who walk with Him. I know that you today are walking with Yeshua; so, do not condemn yourself or others. See yourself and others the way that the Father sees you. Jude says that Yeshua PRESENTS you Faultless before the Throne of God. In Yeshua you are faultless! Did you know that? You are presented to the Father(the Judge), free. You have been Redeemed! That means the debt that you owed(sin) was paid in full!
Do you think of yourself on Lay-Away till Yeshua comes again?
When you go to the store and put an item on a Lay-Away plan, you go and pay a little each month till it becomes your own, Right? Many believers today are on a Lay-Away plan. Many believe that they have to Do this and that to make themselves exceptable to the Lord and then when He comes back they will have proved to Him that they are OK to receive eternal life. If you believe this, I am telling you today that there is NO Lay-Away plan, your debt has been paid in full by the unseen Yeshua. You only have to Believe it! He took the debt upon Himself in Full. Yeshua CHOSE, be obedient to the Father, to take our sin upon Himself. In return, He has imputed His righteousness back upon us. It is about the Father`s great love for ALL mankind-to send His Son to die for us. The gift of Salvation is free, Freedom!
Stop trying to measure up, you never will on your our strength. Yeshua`s strength is made perfect in your weakness. Yeshua`s Perfect Faultlessness IS upon you today. May this BE the reality that you WALK in today!
Take a Look at someone today and see her as God sees her. See all that has made her who she is, and then look even deeper to see all that God has created her to be. -T.D. Jakes-
Do you look at people through the eyes of the blood of Yeshua?
Do you see others through the heart Vision of what Yeshua sees when He looks at ALL people?
Do we see what He has Created and formed us and others to BE or do we only see the faults and things we do not like, or the irritations that arise?
Yeshua says their is NO CONDEMNATION to those who walk with Him. I know that you today are walking with Yeshua; so, do not condemn yourself or others. See yourself and others the way that the Father sees you. Jude says that Yeshua PRESENTS you Faultless before the Throne of God. In Yeshua you are faultless! Did you know that? You are presented to the Father(the Judge), free. You have been Redeemed! That means the debt that you owed(sin) was paid in full!
Do you think of yourself on Lay-Away till Yeshua comes again?
When you go to the store and put an item on a Lay-Away plan, you go and pay a little each month till it becomes your own, Right? Many believers today are on a Lay-Away plan. Many believe that they have to Do this and that to make themselves exceptable to the Lord and then when He comes back they will have proved to Him that they are OK to receive eternal life. If you believe this, I am telling you today that there is NO Lay-Away plan, your debt has been paid in full by the unseen Yeshua. You only have to Believe it! He took the debt upon Himself in Full. Yeshua CHOSE, be obedient to the Father, to take our sin upon Himself. In return, He has imputed His righteousness back upon us. It is about the Father`s great love for ALL mankind-to send His Son to die for us. The gift of Salvation is free, Freedom!
Stop trying to measure up, you never will on your our strength. Yeshua`s strength is made perfect in your weakness. Yeshua`s Perfect Faultlessness IS upon you today. May this BE the reality that you WALK in today!
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