In the Old Covenant the Lamb that was sacrificed for sin had to be without spot or blemish even down to the roots of the fur of the animal. Every time the sacrificial Lamb was brought before the High Priest, it was examined to determine the Lamb`s purity, the Lamb`s perfectness, and the Lamb`s sinlessness (remember animals do not sin, they do not have free will as humans). The sins of the person, bringing the sacrifice, were imputed or transferred into the animal, causing the person to no longer have the sin, bringing perfection by the death of the Lamb. But an animal`s sacrifice only lasted till the next time a person sinned, as animals are not Kinsmen to humans. Animals were made after their kind and humans in the image of God. Mankind needed something spiritually after their kind to die on their behalf. Mankind needed a Kinsman Redeemer! A Redeemer who was part of mankind and part of Godkind.
So now I ask, WHO was examined the person bringing the sacrifice or the Lamb?
Num. 6:14
The sacrificial offering was examined, not the person bringing the offering.
Yeshua IS the sacrificial offering today that is without blemish. Yeshua IS the ONE who is examined on our behalf to see if He is perfect. Yeshua IS the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This is why in 1Thes. 5:23 Yeshua presents us faultless before the mercy seat in the throne room of God. God does not look at the one bringing the offering, but at the offering itself, His Son.
"May the God of shalom himself sanctify you completely. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah."
In the Greek these words are translated as;
Complete-holoklēros-complete in all its parts, in no part wanting or unsound, complete, entire, whole, free from sin, faultless.
Without Blame-amemptōs- blameless, so that there is no cause for censure.
For example; today in a court of law, a verdict of "not guilty" is based on the lawyers ability to prove innocence. Spiritually, through Yeshua`s death, the blood of the offering causes us to be proved innocent. Our sin was transferred or imputed into Yeshua. Yeshua`s( our Kinsmen Redeemer`s) innocence was transferred or imputed to us, by His death. Yeshua is our lawyer that the Father examines and then pronounces us "NOT GUILTY!" Hallelujah! You can walk out of the court room/Holy of Holies in freedom, without any chains.
The next time you worship, which should be a daily act, realize that when you enter Yeshua`s presence He cleans you as you examine His perfectness. As you worship Yeshua you will be changed into His likeness. It is not about you cleaning yourself-as YOU CANNOT! It is recognizing Yeshua`s perfection and Him transferring His perfection in ever area of life onto/into you. This is how you are presented faultless before the mercy seat-IN the Holy of Holies-the court room/throne room of the Abba Father.
Matthew 5:48 "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
So now I ask, WHO was examined the person bringing the sacrifice or the Lamb?
Num. 6:14
The sacrificial offering was examined, not the person bringing the offering.
Yeshua IS the sacrificial offering today that is without blemish. Yeshua IS the ONE who is examined on our behalf to see if He is perfect. Yeshua IS the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This is why in 1Thes. 5:23 Yeshua presents us faultless before the mercy seat in the throne room of God. God does not look at the one bringing the offering, but at the offering itself, His Son.
"May the God of shalom himself sanctify you completely. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah."
In the Greek these words are translated as;
Complete-holoklēros-complete in all its parts, in no part wanting or unsound, complete, entire, whole, free from sin, faultless.
Without Blame-amemptōs- blameless, so that there is no cause for censure.
For example; today in a court of law, a verdict of "not guilty" is based on the lawyers ability to prove innocence. Spiritually, through Yeshua`s death, the blood of the offering causes us to be proved innocent. Our sin was transferred or imputed into Yeshua. Yeshua`s( our Kinsmen Redeemer`s) innocence was transferred or imputed to us, by His death. Yeshua is our lawyer that the Father examines and then pronounces us "NOT GUILTY!" Hallelujah! You can walk out of the court room/Holy of Holies in freedom, without any chains.
The next time you worship, which should be a daily act, realize that when you enter Yeshua`s presence He cleans you as you examine His perfectness. As you worship Yeshua you will be changed into His likeness. It is not about you cleaning yourself-as YOU CANNOT! It is recognizing Yeshua`s perfection and Him transferring His perfection in ever area of life onto/into you. This is how you are presented faultless before the mercy seat-IN the Holy of Holies-the court room/throne room of the Abba Father.
Matthew 5:48 "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
As one can reflect upon our lives and realize what a mighty G-d is HE. I thank him that as I grow in my relationship with my Abba nothing in this life can compare.
I can't say thank you Ma for allowing me to worship it has changed my life. I was lost in the house and dancing has brought me full circle with my lover and KING.
I can't stop praising his name. I shall be as MIRIAM at 90 gloriying my savior, my deliver, my strong tower, my fortess, my buckler, horn and shield of my salvation.
I need him more today than I did on yesterday. Thank you Yeshua for coming and saving me and cleansing me. muuuuuaaaah !!!
Thank you for your beautiful comment-God bless you!
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