In John 8 we read the story of a woman caught in the very act of adultery. The Pharisees bought her to Yeshua and asked Yeshua if He agreed with the Law that said she should be stoned. Yeshua was in the Temple teaching when this occurred. Now the Temple was built on a stone foundation. Yeshua stooped down and wrote on the stone. Yeshua quite possibly was writing the ten commandments on the stone in the dust, with His finger. The Law of Moses was written upon stone because it was not flexible, it was hard like a rock and one could not bend it. Even though God has always been a God of mercy that triumphs over judgement. His Law was His Covenant Word and He would not go back on it. So when Yeshua came, He came with a new commandment that we love one another as He has loved us. Yeshua said to the Pharisees, "he who is without sin can cast the first stone. Yeshua was the only one present who was sinless. He had the authority to stone the woman caught in adultery, as He was sinless, But He chose to say, "neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."
Today I ask, where are you in this?
When you clearly could throw the book at someone or could accuse them fair and square, which way would you chose? Would you choose to love them or do you law them?
We are living under the New Commandment that Yeshua gave that we love each other, the way He loves us. It is always easier to law someone than love them.
It even feels good to law someone rather than love them.
It is also the fair side of our human nature that comes out and says, "that person should pay."
Or do we say what the girl in "Soul Surfer" said, your hardness on me made me into a better person."
Watch the movie, it teaches us how to love the person who is not nice to us.
Can you heap coals of fire on the person`s head who has mistreated you in some way?
Proverbs says,
25:21-22 If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head,
and the Lord will reward you
John 8:15 Yeshua says, You judge by human standards; I (Yeshua) pass judgment on no one.
Why do we think we have the right to pass judgment, when the ONE who is sinless, Yeshua, chooses to judge no one?
When we walk with the Blood of Yeshua applied to our hearts, we will never be lawed (stoned), to death. We are walking under the covering of the New Covenant (new commandment) that Yeshua gave to us.
Today I ask, where are you in this?
When you clearly could throw the book at someone or could accuse them fair and square, which way would you chose? Would you choose to love them or do you law them?
We are living under the New Commandment that Yeshua gave that we love each other, the way He loves us. It is always easier to law someone than love them.
It even feels good to law someone rather than love them.
It is also the fair side of our human nature that comes out and says, "that person should pay."
Or do we say what the girl in "Soul Surfer" said, your hardness on me made me into a better person."
Watch the movie, it teaches us how to love the person who is not nice to us.
Can you heap coals of fire on the person`s head who has mistreated you in some way?
Proverbs says,
25:21-22 If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head,
and the Lord will reward you
John 8:15 Yeshua says, You judge by human standards; I (Yeshua) pass judgment on no one.
Why do we think we have the right to pass judgment, when the ONE who is sinless, Yeshua, chooses to judge no one?
When we walk with the Blood of Yeshua applied to our hearts, we will never be lawed (stoned), to death. We are walking under the covering of the New Covenant (new commandment) that Yeshua gave to us.