Joseph was the Beloved Son of the Father Jacob(Israel). Jacob made Joseph a coat of many colors.
Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, by his Jewish brothers, to Ishamelites going to Egpyt. Who carried the Balm of Gilead to Egypt. This was a healing balm for the physically sick. There was a famine over the whole land.
Joseph`s brothers had come to Egypt in search of grain, as there was a famine in the land. Joseph knew who they were but they did not KNOW Joseph. Joseph went out of the room and wept over seeing his brothers. Joseph then refused to see them again unless they would bring the YOUNGER BROTHER with them. The place in which the brothers of Joseph found him was not in their homeland of Caanan. It was in a foreign land.
There is a very interesting parallel that came be drawn from this passage in Genesis.
Yeshua is a type of Yeshua. The Beloved Son of the father(abba). The Father made a coat of all the nations/colors of the world, to represent all people who He died for.
Yeshua was sold for 30 pieces of silver by his Jewish brother, to the Pharisees who carried the Word of God to the people who were in bondage(spiritual sick). There was a spiritual famine in the land. "There will NOT be a famine of bread and water but a famine of HEARING the Word of the Lord."
In the gospels Yeshua wept over Jerusalem and said, "you will not see me again till you say Blessed Is He Who comes In the Name of the Lord."
Now, many of the Gentile churches have left there Jewish brother behind in search of grain. But God says unless you go back and get your Jewish brother you will not see my face again.
What does this mean?
We as believers in Messiah must go to the highways and the byways and bring in whosoever will of our Jewish brothers. Until this happens NONE of us will see the face of Messiah.
When this happens the end of the age will be consummated. Not the end of the world! The end of the age.
Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, by his Jewish brothers, to Ishamelites going to Egpyt. Who carried the Balm of Gilead to Egypt. This was a healing balm for the physically sick. There was a famine over the whole land.
Joseph`s brothers had come to Egypt in search of grain, as there was a famine in the land. Joseph knew who they were but they did not KNOW Joseph. Joseph went out of the room and wept over seeing his brothers. Joseph then refused to see them again unless they would bring the YOUNGER BROTHER with them. The place in which the brothers of Joseph found him was not in their homeland of Caanan. It was in a foreign land.
There is a very interesting parallel that came be drawn from this passage in Genesis.
Yeshua is a type of Yeshua. The Beloved Son of the father(abba). The Father made a coat of all the nations/colors of the world, to represent all people who He died for.
Yeshua was sold for 30 pieces of silver by his Jewish brother, to the Pharisees who carried the Word of God to the people who were in bondage(spiritual sick). There was a spiritual famine in the land. "There will NOT be a famine of bread and water but a famine of HEARING the Word of the Lord."
In the gospels Yeshua wept over Jerusalem and said, "you will not see me again till you say Blessed Is He Who comes In the Name of the Lord."
Now, many of the Gentile churches have left there Jewish brother behind in search of grain. But God says unless you go back and get your Jewish brother you will not see my face again.
What does this mean?
We as believers in Messiah must go to the highways and the byways and bring in whosoever will of our Jewish brothers. Until this happens NONE of us will see the face of Messiah.
When this happens the end of the age will be consummated. Not the end of the world! The end of the age.
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