Today, are we STARVING for our King?
Are we hungry for every morsel that He has for us?
Are we ready to receive ALL that He wants to give us even if we do not understand it?
2 Chron. 16:9 read whole chpt.
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him. You have done foolishly in this; therefore, from now on you shall have wars.
Is My heart toward His today.
In this passage the God fearing King Asa made an alliance with the enemy against His fellow Israelite brother. Today this happens amongst believers and then we wonder why we are not walking in blessing. This Godly King ended up persecuting the prophet whose message he did not like and also the people of God (fellow Israelites.)
Pentecost/ Shavu’ot June 8th starting sundown June 7th.
Genesis says the evening and the morning was a day.
The Jewish day starts at sundown the day before.
Shavu’ot meaning in Hebrew-Weeks-2nd harvest-WHEAT Harvest.
In Exodus 19:4-25
God said to Israel- “I`ve carried you on eagles wings, now if you obey me and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. ALthough the whole earth is mine you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation. The people responded, we WILL DO EVERYTHING the Lord has said. See, God wanted all the Israelites to be priests, not just the Levites. But when Moses came down from the mountain and saw the Israelites worshiping the golden calf--Moses cried out, “who is on the Lord`s side come to me.” The Levites were the tribe that rallied to Moses side ie. God`s side. Could it be that God chose the Levites to be priests because they had hearts that were toward His?
1 Peter 2:5-every believer upon the whole face of the earth is part of the KINGDOM OF PRIESTS now.
Shavu’ot was/is the time when Moses brought the Law down Mt. Sinai to the Israelites.
Israel fasted 3 days and 3 nights=Yeshua, in the earth days and 3 nights.
Moses on Mt. Sinai was gone 40 days and 40 nights(this was a test for Israel)=Yeshua appeared to disciples 40 days till He ascended into heaven
Acts 1 Ascension
120 disciples waited in upper room after ascension till Shavu’ot(Pentecost)
Acts 2 states, “When the Day of Shavu’ot(Pentecost) came, they were all together in one accord praying. Suddenly, a sound like a rushing violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Tongues of fire were seen on their heads, in the same way that tongues of fire were seen on the heads of the Israelites when they were around the mountain that was quaking and trembling. (Maybe it scared them). Know this that the tongues of fire were not a new phenomenon.
Moses came down from the Mt Sinai, the Israelites were worshiping the golden calf. Moses threw down the tablets, crying “who is on the Lord`s side, come to me,” the Levites rallied to Moses’ side, 3000 people were killed that day.
On the Shavu’ot anniversary, in Acts 2, Peter preached-3000 people believed on Messiah.
Holy Spirit= life- The Spirit of Grace
When the law was given 3000 people literally died.
When the Spirit was given 3000 people received spiritual, ETERNAL life.
We are people of the Spirit and we are people of life.
Today, lets put aside the things that pull us down and RUN the race of LIFE that the Spirit has put in front of us, ON PURPOSE!
Lord, may my thoughts, my heart and my mind align with you, the God of LIFE.
May my mouth align with you, the God of LIFE.
For we know that salt water and fresh water can not come from the same faucet.
It is either salt or fresh.
So it is either life of death, blessings or cursing that comes from out spiritual faucet which is our mouth.
May my actions align with you, the God of LIFE.
Are we hungry for every morsel that He has for us?
Are we ready to receive ALL that He wants to give us even if we do not understand it?
2 Chron. 16:9 read whole chpt.
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him. You have done foolishly in this; therefore, from now on you shall have wars.
Is My heart toward His today.
In this passage the God fearing King Asa made an alliance with the enemy against His fellow Israelite brother. Today this happens amongst believers and then we wonder why we are not walking in blessing. This Godly King ended up persecuting the prophet whose message he did not like and also the people of God (fellow Israelites.)
Pentecost/ Shavu’ot June 8th starting sundown June 7th.
Genesis says the evening and the morning was a day.
The Jewish day starts at sundown the day before.
Shavu’ot meaning in Hebrew-Weeks-2nd harvest-WHEAT Harvest.
In Exodus 19:4-25
God said to Israel- “I`ve carried you on eagles wings, now if you obey me and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. ALthough the whole earth is mine you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation. The people responded, we WILL DO EVERYTHING the Lord has said. See, God wanted all the Israelites to be priests, not just the Levites. But when Moses came down from the mountain and saw the Israelites worshiping the golden calf--Moses cried out, “who is on the Lord`s side come to me.” The Levites were the tribe that rallied to Moses side ie. God`s side. Could it be that God chose the Levites to be priests because they had hearts that were toward His?
1 Peter 2:5-every believer upon the whole face of the earth is part of the KINGDOM OF PRIESTS now.
Shavu’ot was/is the time when Moses brought the Law down Mt. Sinai to the Israelites.
Israel fasted 3 days and 3 nights=Yeshua, in the earth days and 3 nights.
Moses on Mt. Sinai was gone 40 days and 40 nights(this was a test for Israel)=Yeshua appeared to disciples 40 days till He ascended into heaven
Acts 1 Ascension
120 disciples waited in upper room after ascension till Shavu’ot(Pentecost)
Acts 2 states, “When the Day of Shavu’ot(Pentecost) came, they were all together in one accord praying. Suddenly, a sound like a rushing violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Tongues of fire were seen on their heads, in the same way that tongues of fire were seen on the heads of the Israelites when they were around the mountain that was quaking and trembling. (Maybe it scared them). Know this that the tongues of fire were not a new phenomenon.
Moses came down from the Mt Sinai, the Israelites were worshiping the golden calf. Moses threw down the tablets, crying “who is on the Lord`s side, come to me,” the Levites rallied to Moses’ side, 3000 people were killed that day.
On the Shavu’ot anniversary, in Acts 2, Peter preached-3000 people believed on Messiah.
Holy Spirit= life- The Spirit of Grace
When the law was given 3000 people literally died.
When the Spirit was given 3000 people received spiritual, ETERNAL life.
We are people of the Spirit and we are people of life.
Today, lets put aside the things that pull us down and RUN the race of LIFE that the Spirit has put in front of us, ON PURPOSE!
Lord, may my thoughts, my heart and my mind align with you, the God of LIFE.
May my mouth align with you, the God of LIFE.
For we know that salt water and fresh water can not come from the same faucet.
It is either salt or fresh.
So it is either life of death, blessings or cursing that comes from out spiritual faucet which is our mouth.
May my actions align with you, the God of LIFE.
A Jewish wedding always took place in history on a Wednesday(the 4th day of the week). Boaz and Ruth married on a Wednesday. Pentecost this year is on June 8th Wednesday-this week-HMMM-very interesting.
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