Precious Warriors,
Today is a new day. Open your heart-see what will transpire. Be ready to ACT on what you hear. Do the Natural you are called to and the SUPER-natural will come from heaven and ignite the flame inside you producing a fire.
Lets look at the woman who was a Mighty Warrior in history that not many people remember.
Read her story from Judges 4 &5.
Let me paint you a picture.
It was a very dark and dangerous time in the nation of Israel. The people had forsook the ways of the Lord and had fallen into the enemy hands. The enemy had nine hundred iron chariots and brutally oppressed the nation of Israel for 20 years. The weapons were removed from the land and the people were prevented from traveling on the open roads. They were forced to the hidden trails and dark passages. They could not walk in the LIGHT.
There was a woman whose name was Deborah (meaning in hebrew "bee").
The hebrew root word means to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, or sing. She was a prophetess or valiant spokesperson for a Nation that was in captivity. She was a spirited woman who held her court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hills of Ephraim. According Rabbinical literature, one opinion states that Deborah held her court was held under the palm trees symbolized the unity of hearts of all Israel, all being turned, like the leaves of the palm, to God their Father in heaven.
Deborah issued a call to battle by calling on Barak (meaning lightening flash, from the root word, to cast forth). Barak refused to go unless Deborah would go with him. She agreed to go with Barak but said,
"I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the trip you take will not be for your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kedesh."
The epithet

("wife of Lapidoth") is interpreted by the Rabbis (
l.c.) as referring to the woman who furnished wicks for the "lamps" of the sanctuary. The story is told more elaborately in Tanna debe Eliyahu R. ix.: Deborah, being married to an "am ha-areẓ," induced him to furnish wicks for the Shiloh sanctuary, and he made them so big as to turn the lights into blazing torches(

). His real name was "Barak," given to him because his face "shone like lightning" (

); he was also called "Michael," because he was modest before God (

); but his name "Lapidoth" (furnisher of lights) indicates the merit of his wife Deborah, which caused her to become a great light in Israel.
Read more:
What kind of warrior are you today?
One that brings a great light (Yeshua, Jesus), where ever you are?
A Great light dispels all darkness in what surrounds you and creates a unity under God.
Do you war in your flesh or in the Spirit? Ephesians 6 says you do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and all manner of evil in heavenly places.
Just remember that every principality, and power that is not of God must bow to Him.
When Yeshua, Jesus was healing the sick and casting out demons. They all bowed to Him and knew who He was. Today, dear ones, you have the AUTHORITY of the living God on the inside of you. You have AUTHORITY over the enemy. The enemy is under your feet, because the Blood Covenant you have with the Messiah of the world. You are more than a over-comer because He FIRST loved you.
Today is your hour to be a Deborah (Great Light), to your community near and far.
In the Deborah story the glory went to a woman-Yes-most importantly to God-for He was the Great Light that shone from her life.
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