Today I want to talk about the donkey connection to Passover and redemption.
In Exodus 13 we read:
Dedicate to me all your oldest children. Each first offspring from any Israelite womb belongs to me, whether human or animal. The Lord said to Moses: Moses said to the people, “Remember this day which is the day that you came out of Egypt, out of the place you were slaves, because the Lord acted with power to bring you out of there. No leavened bread may be eaten. “It will be a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead so that you will often discuss the Lord’s Instruction, for the Lord brought you out of Egypt with great power. You should explain to your child on that day, ‘It’s because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.’ So you should follow this regulation at its appointed time every year. “When the Lord brings you into the land of the Canaanites and gives it to you as promised to you and your ancestors, you should set aside for the Lord whatever comes out of the womb first. All of the first males born to your animal belong to the Lord. But every first male donkey you should ransom with a sheep (Lamb).If you don’t ransom it, you must break its neck (death).
You should ransom every oldest male among your children. When in the future your child asks you, ‘What does this mean?’ you should answer, ‘The Lord brought us with great power out of Egypt, out of the place we were slaves. When Pharaoh refused to let us go, the Lord killed all the oldest offspring in the land of Egypt, from the oldest sons to the oldest male animals. That is why I offer to the Lord as a sacrifice every male that first comes out of the womb. But I ransom my oldest sons.’ It will be a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the Lord brought us out of Egypt with great power.”
We recognize this as the Passover scripture but what does a donkey have to do with Passover?
Why is the donkey a sign?
Well, I'm glad you asked.
Passover required an unblemished lamb to be the perfect sacrifice, for redemption out of Egypt.
Egypt was a place of captivity.
Now let's look at the donkey, God required a lamb without blemish, to redeem it!
The Passover Redemption and the donkey Redemption required an unblemished lamb.
The beast of burden as we know it was unable to redeem himself. Thus, he needed a lamb to be redeemed.
In our lives today, sin is like the captivity of Egypt. We are unable to redeem ourselves, we need the Lamb of God!
Mankind is the donkey, we are unable to redeem ourselves. We are kind of like this beast of burden, who is in need of the Messiah, to be the unblemished sacrifice.
But, why was it that the donkey had to be redeemed and why was it so important to put that in Scripture?
Everything points to Yeshua in Scripture. Everything!
Again, why were the Passover sign and donkey sign the same?
It was the sign, to watch for, when the Messiah would appear. It was THE Passover sign, that the Passover Lamb had arrived!
It could have been put with the other descriptions of sacrifices, but it was not.
Every firstborn donkey, a colt/foal had to be redeemed.
The donkey was a beast of burden and a lamb had to die, (in place of), the first born baby Colt/Foal.
Zechariah 9 speaks of the Messiah,
Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion!Shout aloud, O Daughter of Jerusalem!Behold, your King (Messianic King) is coming to you;He is righteous and endowed with salvation,Humble and unassuming [in submission to the will of the Father] and riding on a donkey,Upon a colt, the foal of a donkey.
When Yeshua, Jesus rode into Jerusalem, through the Golden gate, possibly right in front of the temple steps:
Yeshua was announcing, he was the Lamb, that was the Redeemer!
See, every Torah believing Jew, knew that the blood of the Lamb, represents freedom from slavery of and the first born donkey had to be redeemed by a lamb. The correlation of the firstborn donkey being redeemed by a Lamb, was to be a sign, of the future Messiah.
They were witnessing the True Redemption Lamb, the Kinsman Redeemer, riding the donkey that needed redemption.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt/foal of a donkey.
Every Jew shouting Hoshianna, Hoshianna, blessed is He who comes in The Name of the Lord,(HaShem, Adonai), they were looking at the sign of the Passover and the donkey Redemption sign.
Literally, the sacrifice/offering of redemption was riding the one that needed redemption.
John the Baptist said, "The lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world."
The first born donkey could not redeem itself, it needed a lamb to take its place to prevent it from death. Exodus 13:13 says that if the firstborn donkey that. was not redeemed by a lamb,they were to brake it's neck!
It sounds pretty severe!
But actually, a picture of humanity being unable to die for themselves.
We needed a substitute the Lamb of God to redeem us.
Prayer for Today;
Heavenly Father, I ask, for your Redemption in my life. Redeem me from the captivity of sin. Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit within me. I cannot do this on my own, in My own strength I am nothing. I need you Lord, oh how I need you!
Holy Spirit minister to me and my family.
I asked for discernment and wisdom in my life.
Open my eyes and open my ears and open the revelation that you have for me by your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name. Amen.