A big Hello to those who read my Blog!
I have not been posting for a couple of years due to some miraculous changes in my personal family.
After 18 years of marriage, my hubby and I conceived and the Lord has given us twin baby girls!
I lost heart so many times that we would ever have children.
But thank God His promises are not dependent on my hopelessness, my sin, or my failures.
His promises are not even dependent on whether I believe them or not.
We cannot do or not do anything that would make God`s amazing promises void.
This fact is real and should comfort us in whatever struggles we are facing today
The verse that comes to my mind is;
Our ways are NOT God`s ways and His thoughts are NOT our thoughts.
For this very reason we need to know that He, the Lord, is the problem solver.
He is the Way Maker and the Miracle Worker.
He changes Darkness into Light and Sorrow into Joy.
His Word is Truth.
He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He is a God, that does not change.
Many make the Lord out to be a human. Yes, He did come in the flesh, But He accomplished His Salvation work, on the cross, on humanities behalf.
The Word say God is NOT a man that He should lie.
My point; the One who created each person and all of creation is The Living God himself.
And He builds each of us and creates us for a purpose.
The question is; what is that purpose?
I challenge you to ask your heavenly Abba(Daddy) today!
Ask Yeshua Jesus, to set up His Kingdom on the inside of you and show you
His purpose for your life.
Ephes. 6:10 says, be strong in the Lord, IN the Power of HIS Might!
When we are weak, God`s Word says that He is strong, IN and through us!
HIS strength is made perfect in our humanity (fleshly weakness)!
bring me to that place in you where I am surrendered every day, to your plan and purpose.
The place where Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. The place where I am not in
the drivers seat, but allow You to drive(lead), and I to follow.
In Jesus Name,