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Have we lost our compassion for those around us?
Have we lost our compassion for those around us?
31:15 Did not the one who made me in the womb make them?
Did not the same one form us in the womb?
As I daily work in a hospital, I see so much pain and suffering ALL around me! It amazes me what people go through. If I did not work in healthcare I would not believe it! I might even think that my pain was worst than others. Which, by the way is a selfish thing to say. I am moved to tears many times a day at what sadness I see. My prayer for those around me is this, "Oh that they would know you Lord and the sweetness of your presence.
There are many explanations that people like to give when the question is asked about why God allows suffering. Some religious like to think that those who experience suffering are not obedient to God in some area of their life. Then....become very bitter when something happens in their life that they cannot explain!
In the Word it says that the rain falls on the just and unjust. This to me means the same things, good and bad, happen to everyone. The one difference I see, prayer does change things that are turned upside down. Yeshua said He would bring the high places down and the low places up. When I ask for God`s protection every day of my life I am not relying on my own strength but upon His strength. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I also know that God`s Word (all His promises) will not return void in my life or anyone else`s life. But NONE are exempt from pain in this life! If you think someone is escaping pain (be it physical or spiritual), then you truly do not know that person as well as you think you do!
We all have a testimony. Share it, be transparent, maybe, just maybe someone will be helped by your willingness to open your heart to them! People often think that you do not know what they are going through until you share what you have gone through.
I encourage you this week to share your life, maybe just a tiny part of it with someone you know and someone you do not know. When you do this you share God!
Do not lose your compassion for those around you. Share You, Yeshua, doesn`t he live inside you?
Be Yeshua to the world, they need you. They need hope!